iParking App
Parking space is becoming a serious problem due to the increasing number of vehicles on the road every year. Particularly, in cities with large population, or in places where sports or artistic events are scheduled, looking for parking space is a major problem. In this project, we propose to investigate the use of wireless sensor technology and their interconnection through a wireless network to integrate an efficient intelligent parking system (iParking). With the successful implementation of iParking, the economical and time costs associated with traffic jams, due to the waste of gas fuel, and time looking for an empty space, caused by inefficient parking will be significant reduced.
With the growth of population and economic development, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing day by day. Parking is becoming one of the major problems for cities, and is becoming very costly. Because of this, parking is limited in major cities including universities and major attractions all around the world. For instance, finding parking space during major events (such as during game day or graduation day) is challenging. Thus, intelligent, innovative and efficient ways for parking will have to be built to accommodate the parking demands efficiently. In this work, an intelligent parking system (iParking) that uses intelligent sensors and a wireless communication network that will help to manage parking spaces is proposed to be investigated. The iParking system will help users save time by informing them about parking availability before they get to the parking areas with the help of onboard mobile devices or mobile phones with the help of mobile apps.
There are several approaches proposed in the literature. These works are based on simulations and mathematical analysis. However, none of those works are implemented using actual hardware and testbed for parking systems. Note that the simulation does not reflect the actual parking environment. Furthermore, larger cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC have automated parking systems but they give you the actual parking space information when you get to the parking area. Furthermore, parking information that is being made available through the internet is not real-time and accurate. Thus in this proposal, we propose to develop iParking systems to provide real-time and accurate parking information to the commuters using sensor technology and wireless networking.
Fig. 1: iParking Systems Model Fig. 2: iParking App
Dr. Danda B. Rawat
Dr. Fernando Rios-Gutierrez
Mr. Brandon Lugas
CEIT FDSG @ GSU (November 2014 - October 2015): "iParking: Intelligent Parking Systems using Sensors and Wireless Networking," $10,000.00, (Danda B. Rawat (Co-PI) with Fernando Rios-Gutierrez)
B. Lughas, D. B. Rawat and F. Rios-Gutierrez, iParking: Intelligent Parking Systems using Sensors and Wireless Networking, Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference 2014, November 15, 2014, Statesboro, GA. PDF
G. Yan, S. Olariu, W. Yang, and D. B. Rawat. “E-Parking: An Electronic Parking Service Using Wireless Networks”. In Innovations in SMEs and Conducting E-Business: Technologies, Trends and Solutions, (Eds. Dr. M. M. Cruz-Cunha & J. Eduardo Varajao), IGI Global, USA, 2011. PDF
G. Yan, W. Yang, D.B. Rawat, and S. Olariu. SmartParking: A Secure and Intelligent Parking System, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 18 - 30, April 2011. PDF